Quality of Life of Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients And Related Factors in The Coastal Area of Kendari City


  • Laode Saltar Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya,Kendari, Indonesia
  • Sitti Masriwati Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Mimiyati Mimiyati Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Merry Merry Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya,Kendari, Indonesia
  • Lisnawati Lisnawati Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia
  • Islamiyah Islamiyah Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Mandala Waluya, Kendari, Indonesia




Coastal Area, family support, Quality of Life, Stress Levels, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Uncontrolled type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) leads to serious complications that significantly impact patients' quality of life. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between random blood sugar (RBS) levels, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, blood pressure, stress levels, and family support with the quality of life of patients with uncontrolled type 2 DM in the coastal area of the Nambo Health Center. The quantitative cross-sectional study was used included 41 respondents from a population of 46 uncontrolled type 2 DM patients, selected using simple random sampling. Data was collected between April and June 2024. RBS levels were assessed using a glucometer, stress levels were measured with the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21), quality of life was evaluated using the Diabetes Quality of Life (DQOL) questionnaire, and family support was assessed using the Hensarling Diabetes Family Support Scale (HDFSS). Data analysis included univariate, bivariate (chi-square test), and multivariate (logistic regression) analyses. The result revealed significant relationships between RBS levels (p=0.024), LDL cholesterol levels (p=0.001), blood pressure (p=0.0001), stress levels (p=0.006), and family support (p=0.008) with the quality of life of DM patients. Multivariate analysis identified LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and stress as significant predictors of quality of life in type 2 DM patients, while family support did not significantly predict quality of life (p=0.659). These findings highlight the importance of managing factors such as glycemic control, LDL cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and stress levels in improving the quality of life for type 2 DM patients. Intensive and continuous health education programs are crucial to improve patients' knowledge of DM management, especially in coastal areas. Healthcare providers should implement a multidisciplinary approach that includes psychosocial and medical support to enhance the quality of life of uncontrolled type 2 DM patients.


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