Application of Cold Compress During Femoral Sheath Removal on Pain and Vasovagal Reflexes in Patients After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): A Systematic Review
Cold compress, pain, PCI, vasovagal reflexesAbstract
Pain due to manual compression during femoral sheath removal procedure is one of the most common problems experienced by patients after transfemoral PCI. Vasovagal reactions may occur when pain during the procedure is not controlled effectively. A non-pharmacological intervention to reduce pain in patients after PCI that has been widely studied is an application of cold compress. Objective: to evaluate the application of cold compress during the femoral sheath removal procedure on pain and vasovagal reflexes in patients post-PCI. By searching literature for research articles related to topics based on research questions using the PICO formula through online databases including ProQuest, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Sage Journal, Scopus, ClinicalKey Nursing, and Google Scholar. Based on a review of research articles, it is known that the application of cold compress has an effect to reducing pain during femoral sheath removal after PCI. However, there has yet to be much evaluation of the effect cold compress on reducing the vasovagal reflexes. Cold compress can be a simple and low-cost intervention to applied during femoral sheath removal procedures after PCI, and also can be combined with other interventions to reduce pain level. There are differences in carrying out cold compress application procedures, especially regarding the time, tools and the procedures. More research is needed to identify the effectiveness of cold compress on the vasovagal reflexes in post-PCI patients, because only one study has been found that assesses the effect of cold compresses on the vasovagal reflex, which is still requires more evidence based, and also researches to identify differences of the effectiveness cold compress between the times of administration, namely before, during, or after femoral sheath removal procedures post-PCI to further strengthen the evidence-based practice.
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Chhabra L, Zain MA, S.W., 2023. Angioplasty. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL):
Demir, Y., 2012. Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Pain Management, in: Racz, G.B., Noe, C.E. (Eds.), . IntechOpen, Rijeka, p. Ch. 23.
Dorman, S.H., Obaid, D.R., 2019. Vascular access and closure for cardiovascular intervention. Heart 105, 1279–1288.
Ebrahimi-shalmani, F., Hasavari, F., Nikfarjam, S., Leili, E.K., 2020. The effect of the local cold application on low back pain and vascular complications of patients undergoing coronary angiography 11, 7754–7762.
Ghods, A.A., Roshani, A., Mirmohammadkhani, M., Soleimani, M., 2022. Effects of Valsalva Maneuver on Pain and Vasovagal Reaction During the Removing of Femoral Arterial Sheath After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Perianesthesia Nurs. 37, 900–906.
Ginanjar, R., Hadisaputro, S., Mardiyono, Sudirman, 2018. Effectiveness of cold pack with early ambulation in preventing complications of haemorrhage and haematoma in patients post cardiac catheterization. Belitung Nurs. J. 4, 83–88.
Kareem, H.M., Hamza, R.A., 2023. Remittances Review Effectiveness of Clinical Guideline Regarding Post Arterial Sheath Removal on Reduction of Complications in Patients after Cardiac Catheterization: Randomized Control Trial 8, 1749–1770.
Khan, S.Q., Ludman, P.F., 2022. Percutaneous coronary intervention. Med. (United Kingdom) 50, 437–444.
Knowlton, W.M., Palkar, R., Lippoldt, E.K., McCoy, D.D., Baluch, F., Chen, J., McKemy, D.D., 2013. A sensory-labeled line for cold: TRPM8-expressing sensory neurons define the cellular basis for cold, cold pain, and cooling-mediated analgesia. J. Neurosci. 33, 2837–2848.
Kurt, Y., Kaşıkçı, M., 2019. The effect of the application of cold on hematoma, ecchymosis, and pain at the catheter site in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Int. J. Nurs. Sci. 6, 378–384.
Malanga, G., Yan, N., Stark, J., 2014. Mechanisms and efficacy of heat and cold therapies for musculoskeletal injury. Postgrad. Med. 127, 1–9.
Özyurtlu, F., Özdemir, İ.H., Çetin, N., Yavuz, V., 2022. Comparison of Access Site Complications after Early or Late Sheath Removal in Patients with PCI, Regardless of ACT Levels. Anatol. J. Cardiol. 26, 654–661.
Pamuk, G.D., Özkaraman, A., 2024. The Effect of Cold Sand Pack on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention-Induced Vascular Complications and Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Florence Nightingale J. Nurs. 32, 58–67.
Prasetya, A., Handian, F.I., 2023. The effect of ice gel pack on pain reduction of sheath removal in post-cardiac catheterization patients. J. Palembang Nurs. Stud. 2, 67–74.
Qureshi, A.I., Saleem, M.A., Naseem, N., Wallery, S.S., 2019. Effectiveness of premedication protocol using intravenous fentanyl to reduce pain associated with femoral artery closure device placement. Clin. Radiol. 74, 166.e9-166.e13.
Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), 2018. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian RI.
Sallal, M.H., Mousa, A.M., 2023. Reduction of pain intensity for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal after coronary artery angioplasty: An interventional program. Rev. Latinoam. Hipertens. 18, 202–208.
Shin, Y.S., Kim, H., An, J., Lee, Y., 2018. Development of Evidence-based Nursing Practice Guidelines for Cold Application in Adult Care. Korean J. Adult Nurs. 30, 325.
Sokhanvar, S., Tirgari, B., Forouzi, M.A., Salari, M., Jahani, Y., 2023. Effect of Ice Bag Application to Femoral Region on Pain and Vital signs in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Open Nurs. J. 17, 1–9.
Su, S.F., Chang, M.Y., Wu, M.S., Liao, Y.C., 2019. Safety and efficacy of using vascular closure devices for hemostasis on sheath removal after a transfemoral artery percutaneous coronary intervention. Japan J. Nurs. Sci. 16, 172–183.
Valdes PJ, Akbar H, Kahloon RA, et al, 2023. Intracoronary Stents. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, In: StatPearls [Internet].
Valikhani, M., Mazlum, S.R., Dehghani, J., Eshraghi, A., Mahdizadeh, S.M., 2023. The Effect of Sandbag and Ice Bag on the Pain After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Iran. J. Heal. Sci. 11, 91–98.
Wicaksono, G., Ta’adi, T., Djamil, M., 2020. Effectiveness of Cold Compress with Ice Gel on Pain Intensity among Patients with Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Int. J. Nurs. Heal. Serv. 3, 680–686.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2023. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
Wright, B., Kronen, P.W., Lascelles, D., Monteiro, B., Murrell, J.C., Robertson, S., Steagall, P.V.M., Yamashita, K., 2020. Ice therapy: cool, current and complicated. J. Small Anim. Pract. 61, 267–271.
Xu, J.P., Huang, J.Y., 2021. Nitrates and risk of vasovagal reaction in femoral sheath removal after percutaneous intervention: A retrospective observational study. Herz 46, 130–134.
Yee, J., Kumar, V., Li, S., Petraskova, T., Pham, A., Stys, J., Thompson, P.A., Petrasko, M., Stys, A., Stys, T., 2018. Clinical factors associated with physician choice of femoral versus radial access: A real-world experience from a single academic center. J. Interv. Cardiol. 31, 236–243.
Chhabra L, Zain MA, S.W., 2023. Angioplasty. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL):
Demir, Y., 2012. Non-Pharmacological Therapies in Pain Management, in: Racz, G.B., Noe, C.E. (Eds.), . IntechOpen, Rijeka, p. Ch. 23.
Dorman, S.H., Obaid, D.R., 2019. Vascular access and closure for cardiovascular intervention. Heart 105, 1279–1288.
Ebrahimi-shalmani, F., Hasavari, F., Nikfarjam, S., Leili, E.K., 2020. The effect of the local cold application on low back pain and vascular complications of patients undergoing coronary angiography 11, 7754–7762.
Ghods, A.A., Roshani, A., Mirmohammadkhani, M., Soleimani, M., 2022. Effects of Valsalva Maneuver on Pain and Vasovagal Reaction During the Removing of Femoral Arterial Sheath After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J. Perianesthesia Nurs. 37, 900–906.
Ginanjar, R., Hadisaputro, S., Mardiyono, Sudirman, 2018. Effectiveness of cold pack with early ambulation in preventing complications of haemorrhage and haematoma in patients post cardiac catheterization. Belitung Nurs. J. 4, 83–88.
Kareem, H.M., Hamza, R.A., 2023. Remittances Review Effectiveness of Clinical Guideline Regarding Post Arterial Sheath Removal on Reduction of Complications in Patients after Cardiac Catheterization: Randomized Control Trial 8, 1749–1770.
Khan, S.Q., Ludman, P.F., 2022. Percutaneous coronary intervention. Med. (United Kingdom) 50, 437–444.
Knowlton, W.M., Palkar, R., Lippoldt, E.K., McCoy, D.D., Baluch, F., Chen, J., McKemy, D.D., 2013. A sensory-labeled line for cold: TRPM8-expressing sensory neurons define the cellular basis for cold, cold pain, and cooling-mediated analgesia. J. Neurosci. 33, 2837–2848.
Kurt, Y., Kaşıkçı, M., 2019. The effect of the application of cold on hematoma, ecchymosis, and pain at the catheter site in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Int. J. Nurs. Sci. 6, 378–384.
Malanga, G., Yan, N., Stark, J., 2014. Mechanisms and efficacy of heat and cold therapies for musculoskeletal injury. Postgrad. Med. 127, 1–9.
Özyurtlu, F., Özdemir, İ.H., Çetin, N., Yavuz, V., 2022. Comparison of Access Site Complications after Early or Late Sheath Removal in Patients with PCI, Regardless of ACT Levels. Anatol. J. Cardiol. 26, 654–661.
Pamuk, G.D., Özkaraman, A., 2024. The Effect of Cold Sand Pack on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention-Induced Vascular Complications and Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Florence Nightingale J. Nurs. 32, 58–67.
Prasetya, A., Handian, F.I., 2023. The effect of ice gel pack on pain reduction of sheath removal in post-cardiac catheterization patients. J. Palembang Nurs. Stud. 2, 67–74.
Qureshi, A.I., Saleem, M.A., Naseem, N., Wallery, S.S., 2019. Effectiveness of premedication protocol using intravenous fentanyl to reduce pain associated with femoral artery closure device placement. Clin. Radiol. 74, 166.e9-166.e13.
Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), 2018. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian RI.
Sallal, M.H., Mousa, A.M., 2023. Reduction of pain intensity for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal after coronary artery angioplasty: An interventional program. Rev. Latinoam. Hipertens. 18, 202–208.
Shin, Y.S., Kim, H., An, J., Lee, Y., 2018. Development of Evidence-based Nursing Practice Guidelines for Cold Application in Adult Care. Korean J. Adult Nurs. 30, 325.
Sokhanvar, S., Tirgari, B., Forouzi, M.A., Salari, M., Jahani, Y., 2023. Effect of Ice Bag Application to Femoral Region on Pain and Vital signs in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Open Nurs. J. 17, 1–9.
Su, S.F., Chang, M.Y., Wu, M.S., Liao, Y.C., 2019. Safety and efficacy of using vascular closure devices for hemostasis on sheath removal after a transfemoral artery percutaneous coronary intervention. Japan J. Nurs. Sci. 16, 172–183.
Valdes PJ, Akbar H, Kahloon RA, et al, 2023. Intracoronary Stents. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, In: StatPearls [Internet].
Valikhani, M., Mazlum, S.R., Dehghani, J., Eshraghi, A., Mahdizadeh, S.M., 2023. The Effect of Sandbag and Ice Bag on the Pain After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Iran. J. Heal. Sci. 11, 91–98.
Wicaksono, G., Ta’adi, T., Djamil, M., 2020. Effectiveness of Cold Compress with Ice Gel on Pain Intensity among Patients with Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Int. J. Nurs. Heal. Serv. 3, 680–686.
World Health Organization (WHO), 2023. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs).
Wright, B., Kronen, P.W., Lascelles, D., Monteiro, B., Murrell, J.C., Robertson, S., Steagall, P.V.M., Yamashita, K., 2020. Ice therapy: cool, current and complicated. J. Small Anim. Pract. 61, 267–271.
Xu, J.P., Huang, J.Y., 2021. Nitrates and risk of vasovagal reaction in femoral sheath removal after percutaneous intervention: A retrospective observational study. Herz 46, 130–134.
Yee, J., Kumar, V., Li, S., Petraskova, T., Pham, A., Stys, J., Thompson, P.A., Petrasko, M., Stys, A., Stys, T., 2018. Clinical factors associated with physician choice of femoral versus radial access: A real-world experience from a single academic center. J. Interv. Cardiol. 31, 236–243.