Analysing Traumatic Brain Injury Care Through Indonesian Nursing Standards: A Case Report Approach
Emergency Department, Indonesian Nursing Care Standards, Traumatic Brain InjuryAbstract
Emergency nursing requires specialized skills and resources to address complex patient needs. However, the emergency nursing process is often underutilized, impacting care quality and patient safety. This case study evaluates nursing care for a 20-year-old male with head trauma following a traffic accident using the Indonesian Nursing Care Standards (SDKI, SIKI, SLKI). The patient, with a Glasgow Coma Scale of 7, presented with a head wound, gurgling airway, vomiting, and signs of increased intracranial pressure. Key nursing problems identified included ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing patterns, and the risk of ineffective cerebral perfusion. Interventions included suctioning, oxygen therapy, and positioning, but several gaps in the standards were noted, particularly in diagnosis, measurable outcomes, and intervention guidelines. This study highlights the need to refine the Indonesian Nursing Care Standards for emergencies, focusing on priority-based problem identification and evidence-based guidelines. These adjustments can improve decision-making, enhance care consistency, and reduce complications, ultimately improving patient outcomes and trust in emergency nursing services.
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Atmadja, S., Andika, Sekeon, S, S.A., Ngantung, J, D., 2021. Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Diagnosis Dan Tatalaksana Cedera Medula Spinalis Traumatik. Jurnal Sinaps 4, 25–35.
Awaliyani, V.A., Pranatha, A., Wulan, N., 2021. Pengaruh Penggunaan Buku SDKI, SLKI Dan SIKI Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Perawat Dalam Membuat Dokumentasi Keperawatan Berbasi SDKI, SLKI dan SIKI di Rumah Sakit KMC Kuningan Tahun 2021. Journal of Nursing Practice and Education 2, 22–32.
Bruijns, S.R., Guly, H.R., Bouamra, O., Lecky, F., Wallis, L.A., 2014. The value of the difference between ED and prehospital vital signs in predicting outcome in trauma. Emerg Med J 31, 579–582.
Carney, N., Totten, A.M., O’Reilly, C., Ullman, J.S., Hawryluk, G.W.J., Bell, M.J., Bratton, S.L., Chesnut, R., Harris, O.A., Kissoon, N., Rubiano, A.M., Shutter, L., Tasker, R.C., Vavilala, M.S., Wilberger, J., Wright, D.W., Ghajar, J., 2017. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Fourth Edition. Neurosurgery 80.
Currie, D., Snedden, T., Pierpoint, L., Comstock, R.D., Grubenhoff, J.A., 2019. Factors Influencing Primary Care Follow-Up After Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 34, E11–E19.
Dickinson, A., Joos, S., 2021. Barriers to integration of primary care into emergency care: Experiences in Germany. Int J Integr Care 21.
Dinallo, S., Waseem, M., 2024. Cushing Reflex. Treasure Island (FL).
Dwi Fibriansari, R., Astuti, A., Maisyaroh, A., Widyanto, E.P., 2022. Perceptions of Applications of Standard Nursing Language in Nursing Care Documentation.
ElGammal, M.E., 2014. Emergency department triage. Why and how? Saudi Med J 35.
Emergency Medicine Programme, 2021. A framework to support the delivery and recording of Nursing Care in Emergency Care Networks in Ireland. Ireland.
Ginting, L.R., Sitepu, K., Ginting, R.A., 2020. Pengaruh Pemberian Oksigen Dan Elevasi Kepala 30o Terhadap Tingkat Kesadaran Pada Pasien Cedera Kepala Sedang. Jurnal Keperawatan dan Fisioterapi (JKF) 2, 102–112.
Grasselli, G., Calfee, C.S., Camporota, L., Poole, D., Amato, M.B.P., Antonelli, M., Arabi, Y.M., Baroncelli, F., Beitler, J.R., Bellani, G., Bellingan, G., Blackwood, B., Bos, L.D.J., Brochard, L., Brodie, D., Burns, K.E.A., Combes, A., D’Arrigo, S.,
De Backer, D., Demoule, A., Einav, S., Fan, E., Ferguson, N.D., Frat, J.-P., Gattinoni, L., Guérin, C., Herridge, M.S., Hodgson, C., Hough, C.L., Jaber, S., Juffermans, N.P., Karagiannidis, C., Kesecioglu, J., Kwizera, A., Laffey, J.G., Mancebo, J., Matthay, M.A., McAuley, D.F., Mercat, A., Meyer, N.J., Moss, M., Munshi, L., Myatra, S.N., Ng Gong, M., Papazian, L., Patel, B.K., Pellegrini, M., Perner, A., Pesenti, A., Piquilloud, L., Qiu, H., Ranieri, M. V, Riviello, E., Slutsky, A.S., Stapleton, R.D., Summers, C., Thompson, T.B., Valente Barbas, C.S., Villar, J., Ware, L.B., Weiss, B., Zampieri, F.G., Azoulay, E., Cecconi, M., 2023. ESICM guidelines on acute respiratory distress syndrome: definition, phenotyping and respiratory support strategies. Intensive Care Med 49, 727–759.
Grenier, G., Despatis, M.-A., Lebel, K., Hamel, M., Martin, C., Boissy, P., 2022. Removal of the cervical collar from alpine rescue protocols? A biomechanical non-inferiority trial in real-life mountain conditions. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 30, 42.
Grover, E., Porter, J.E., Morphet, J., 2017. An exploration of emergency nurses' perceptions, attitudes and experience of teamwork in the emergency department. Australas Emerg Nurs J 20, 92–97.
Huda, N., 2017. Efektifitas Elevasi Kepala 30o Dalam Meningkatkan Perfusi Serebral Pada Pasien Post Trepanasi di Rumah Sakit Mitra Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya 12, 1137.
Khan, Z., Karatas, Y., Hamid, S.M., 2023. Evaluation of health care professionals' knowledge, attitudes, practices and barriers to pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting: A cross-sectional multicentral study. PLoS One 18, e0285811.
Kinder, F., Mehmood, S., Hodgson, H., Giannoudis, P., Howard, A., 2022. Barriers to Trauma Care in South and Central America: a systematic review. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 32, 1163–1177.
Kruk, M.E., Gage, A.D., Arsenault, C., Jordan, K., Leslie, H.H., Roder-DeWan, S., Adeyi, O., Barker, P., Daelmans, B., Doubova, S. V., English, M., Elorrio, E.G., Guanais, F., Gureje, O., Hirschhorn, L.R., Jiang, L., Kelley, E., Lemango, E.T., Liljestrand, J., Malata, A., Marchant, T., Matsoso, M.P., Meara, J.G., Mohanan, M., Ndiaye, Y., Norheim, O.F., Reddy, K.S., Rowe, A.K., Salomon, J.A., Thapa, G., Twum-Danso, N.A.Y., Pate, M., 2018. High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. Lancet Glob Health.
Ladny, M., Gawel, W., 2022. Neck Stabilization In Trauma Patient: An Emergency Medicine Perspective. Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal.
Meister, K.D., Pandian, V., Hillel, A.T., Walsh, B.K., Brodsky, M.B., Balakrishnan, K., Best, S.R., Chinn, S.B., Cramer, J.D., Graboyes, E.M., McGrath, B.A., Rassekh, C.H., Bedwell, J.R., Brenner, M.J., 2021. Multidisciplinary Safety Recommendations After Tracheostomy During COVID-19 Pandemic: State of the Art Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 164, 984–1000.
Miller, M.R., Hankinson, Bursasco, V., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., Crapo, Enright, 2005. Standardisation of spirometry. ersjournals.
Nibbelink, C.W., Brewer, B.B., 2018. Decision-making in nursing practice: an integrative literature review. J Clin Nurs 27.
Oka, P., Nurhesti, Y., Ketut, N., Prapti, G., Oka, M., Kamayani, A., Suryawan, A., 2020. Analisis Penggunaan Diagnosis Keperawatan Berbasis SDKI dan NANDA.
Olson, A., Rencic, J., Cosby, K., Rusz, D., Papa, F., Croskerry, P., Zierler, B., Harkless, G., Giuliano, M.A., Schoenbaum, S., Colford, C., Cahill, M., Gerstner, L., Grice, G.R., Graber, M.L., 2019. Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care. Diagnosis (Berl) 6, 335–341.
Pinto, A., Berritto, D., Russo, A., Riccitiello, F., Caruso, M., Belfiore, M., 2018. Traumatic fractures in adults: missed diagnosis on plain radiographs in the Emergency Department. Acta Biomed 89.
Pokja, T., SDKI DPP PPNI, 2017. St Andar Intervensi.
Rison, R.A., 2013. A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. J Med Case Rep 7, 239.
Ristanto, R., Indra, M.R.I., Poeranto, S., Setyorini, I., 2016. Akurasi revised trauma score sebagai prediktor mortality pasien cedera kepala. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti 4, 76–90.
Rutto, A., Koech, P., Korir, A., Groom, R., White, R., 2022. Perfusion Practice in Kenya. J Extra Corpor Technol 54, 5–18.
Saavedra-Mitjans, M., David, P.-M., Frenette, A.-J., Arbour, C., Perreault, M., Williams, V., Bernard, F., Williamson, D., 2021. Experiences and attitudes towards Agitated behaviors in Traumatic brain injury in the Intensive Care Unit patients (ECSTATIC): a protocol for an interprofessional mixed-method study. BMJ Open 11, e045816.
Talahatu, O., Korespondensi, P., Kesehatan, F., Kristen, U., Maluku, I., 2022. Diseminasi Penerapan SDKI, SLKI dan SIKI di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Masohi. Karya Kesehatan Siwalima.
Thayer, J.G., Ferro, D.F., Miller, J.M., Karavite, D., Grundmeier, R.W., Utidjian, L., Zorc, J.J., 2021. Human-centered development of an electronic health record-embedded, interactive information visualization in the emergency department using fast healthcare interoperability resources. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28, 1401–1410.
Wahidin, Supraptini, N., 2020. Penerapan Teknik Head Up 30 derajat terhadap Peningkatan Perfusi Jaringan Otak Pada Pasien yang Mengalami Cedera Kepala Sedang. Nursing Science Journal (NSJ).
Wilson, E., 2012. Emergency management of severe burns, Journal of Paramedic Practice.
World Health Organization (WHO) [WWW Document], 2021. URL (accessed 11.21.24).
Awaliyani, V.A., Pranatha, A., Wulan, N., 2021. Pengaruh Penggunaan Buku SDKI, SLKI Dan SIKI Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Perawat Dalam Membuat Dokumentasi Keperawatan Berbasi SDKI, SLKI dan SIKI di Rumah Sakit KMC Kuningan Tahun 2021. Journal of Nursing Practice and Education 2, 22–32.
Bruijns, S.R., Guly, H.R., Bouamra, O., Lecky, F., Wallis, L.A., 2014. The value of the difference between ED and prehospital vital signs in predicting outcome in trauma. Emerg Med J 31, 579–582.
Carney, N., Totten, A.M., O’Reilly, C., Ullman, J.S., Hawryluk, G.W.J., Bell, M.J., Bratton, S.L., Chesnut, R., Harris, O.A., Kissoon, N., Rubiano, A.M., Shutter, L., Tasker, R.C., Vavilala, M.S., Wilberger, J., Wright, D.W., Ghajar, J., 2017. Guidelines for the Management of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Fourth Edition. Neurosurgery 80.
Currie, D., Snedden, T., Pierpoint, L., Comstock, R.D., Grubenhoff, J.A., 2019. Factors Influencing Primary Care Follow-Up After Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. J Head Trauma Rehabil 34, E11–E19.
Dickinson, A., Joos, S., 2021. Barriers to integration of primary care into emergency care: Experiences in Germany. Int J Integr Care 21.
Dinallo, S., Waseem, M., 2024. Cushing Reflex. Treasure Island (FL).
Dwi Fibriansari, R., Astuti, A., Maisyaroh, A., Widyanto, E.P., 2022. Perceptions of Applications of Standard Nursing Language in Nursing Care Documentation.
ElGammal, M.E., 2014. Emergency department triage. Why and how? Saudi Med J 35.
Emergency Medicine Programme, 2021. A framework to support the delivery and recording of Nursing Care in Emergency Care Networks in Ireland. Ireland.
Ginting, L.R., Sitepu, K., Ginting, R.A., 2020. Pengaruh Pemberian Oksigen Dan Elevasi Kepala 30o Terhadap Tingkat Kesadaran Pada Pasien Cedera Kepala Sedang. Jurnal Keperawatan dan Fisioterapi (JKF) 2, 102–112.
Grasselli, G., Calfee, C.S., Camporota, L., Poole, D., Amato, M.B.P., Antonelli, M., Arabi, Y.M., Baroncelli, F., Beitler, J.R., Bellani, G., Bellingan, G., Blackwood, B., Bos, L.D.J., Brochard, L., Brodie, D., Burns, K.E.A., Combes, A., D’Arrigo, S.,
De Backer, D., Demoule, A., Einav, S., Fan, E., Ferguson, N.D., Frat, J.-P., Gattinoni, L., Guérin, C., Herridge, M.S., Hodgson, C., Hough, C.L., Jaber, S., Juffermans, N.P., Karagiannidis, C., Kesecioglu, J., Kwizera, A., Laffey, J.G., Mancebo, J., Matthay, M.A., McAuley, D.F., Mercat, A., Meyer, N.J., Moss, M., Munshi, L., Myatra, S.N., Ng Gong, M., Papazian, L., Patel, B.K., Pellegrini, M., Perner, A., Pesenti, A., Piquilloud, L., Qiu, H., Ranieri, M. V, Riviello, E., Slutsky, A.S., Stapleton, R.D., Summers, C., Thompson, T.B., Valente Barbas, C.S., Villar, J., Ware, L.B., Weiss, B., Zampieri, F.G., Azoulay, E., Cecconi, M., 2023. ESICM guidelines on acute respiratory distress syndrome: definition, phenotyping and respiratory support strategies. Intensive Care Med 49, 727–759.
Grenier, G., Despatis, M.-A., Lebel, K., Hamel, M., Martin, C., Boissy, P., 2022. Removal of the cervical collar from alpine rescue protocols? A biomechanical non-inferiority trial in real-life mountain conditions. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 30, 42.
Grover, E., Porter, J.E., Morphet, J., 2017. An exploration of emergency nurses' perceptions, attitudes and experience of teamwork in the emergency department. Australas Emerg Nurs J 20, 92–97.
Huda, N., 2017. Efektifitas Elevasi Kepala 30o Dalam Meningkatkan Perfusi Serebral Pada Pasien Post Trepanasi di Rumah Sakit Mitra Surabaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya 12, 1137.
Khan, Z., Karatas, Y., Hamid, S.M., 2023. Evaluation of health care professionals' knowledge, attitudes, practices and barriers to pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reaction reporting: A cross-sectional multicentral study. PLoS One 18, e0285811.
Kinder, F., Mehmood, S., Hodgson, H., Giannoudis, P., Howard, A., 2022. Barriers to Trauma Care in South and Central America: a systematic review. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 32, 1163–1177.
Kruk, M.E., Gage, A.D., Arsenault, C., Jordan, K., Leslie, H.H., Roder-DeWan, S., Adeyi, O., Barker, P., Daelmans, B., Doubova, S. V., English, M., Elorrio, E.G., Guanais, F., Gureje, O., Hirschhorn, L.R., Jiang, L., Kelley, E., Lemango, E.T., Liljestrand, J., Malata, A., Marchant, T., Matsoso, M.P., Meara, J.G., Mohanan, M., Ndiaye, Y., Norheim, O.F., Reddy, K.S., Rowe, A.K., Salomon, J.A., Thapa, G., Twum-Danso, N.A.Y., Pate, M., 2018. High-quality health systems in the Sustainable Development Goals era: time for a revolution. Lancet Glob Health.
Ladny, M., Gawel, W., 2022. Neck Stabilization In Trauma Patient: An Emergency Medicine Perspective. Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal.
Meister, K.D., Pandian, V., Hillel, A.T., Walsh, B.K., Brodsky, M.B., Balakrishnan, K., Best, S.R., Chinn, S.B., Cramer, J.D., Graboyes, E.M., McGrath, B.A., Rassekh, C.H., Bedwell, J.R., Brenner, M.J., 2021. Multidisciplinary Safety Recommendations After Tracheostomy During COVID-19 Pandemic: State of the Art Review. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 164, 984–1000.
Miller, M.R., Hankinson, Bursasco, V., Casaburi, R., Coates, A., Crapo, Enright, 2005. Standardisation of spirometry. ersjournals.
Nibbelink, C.W., Brewer, B.B., 2018. Decision-making in nursing practice: an integrative literature review. J Clin Nurs 27.
Oka, P., Nurhesti, Y., Ketut, N., Prapti, G., Oka, M., Kamayani, A., Suryawan, A., 2020. Analisis Penggunaan Diagnosis Keperawatan Berbasis SDKI dan NANDA.
Olson, A., Rencic, J., Cosby, K., Rusz, D., Papa, F., Croskerry, P., Zierler, B., Harkless, G., Giuliano, M.A., Schoenbaum, S., Colford, C., Cahill, M., Gerstner, L., Grice, G.R., Graber, M.L., 2019. Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care. Diagnosis (Berl) 6, 335–341.
Pinto, A., Berritto, D., Russo, A., Riccitiello, F., Caruso, M., Belfiore, M., 2018. Traumatic fractures in adults: missed diagnosis on plain radiographs in the Emergency Department. Acta Biomed 89.
Pokja, T., SDKI DPP PPNI, 2017. St Andar Intervensi.
Rison, R.A., 2013. A guide to writing case reports for the Journal of Medical Case Reports and BioMed Central Research Notes. J Med Case Rep 7, 239.
Ristanto, R., Indra, M.R.I., Poeranto, S., Setyorini, I., 2016. Akurasi revised trauma score sebagai prediktor mortality pasien cedera kepala. Jurnal Kesehatan Hesti Wira Sakti 4, 76–90.
Rutto, A., Koech, P., Korir, A., Groom, R., White, R., 2022. Perfusion Practice in Kenya. J Extra Corpor Technol 54, 5–18.
Saavedra-Mitjans, M., David, P.-M., Frenette, A.-J., Arbour, C., Perreault, M., Williams, V., Bernard, F., Williamson, D., 2021. Experiences and attitudes towards Agitated behaviors in Traumatic brain injury in the Intensive Care Unit patients (ECSTATIC): a protocol for an interprofessional mixed-method study. BMJ Open 11, e045816.
Talahatu, O., Korespondensi, P., Kesehatan, F., Kristen, U., Maluku, I., 2022. Diseminasi Penerapan SDKI, SLKI dan SIKI di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Masohi. Karya Kesehatan Siwalima.
Thayer, J.G., Ferro, D.F., Miller, J.M., Karavite, D., Grundmeier, R.W., Utidjian, L., Zorc, J.J., 2021. Human-centered development of an electronic health record-embedded, interactive information visualization in the emergency department using fast healthcare interoperability resources. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28, 1401–1410.
Wahidin, Supraptini, N., 2020. Penerapan Teknik Head Up 30 derajat terhadap Peningkatan Perfusi Jaringan Otak Pada Pasien yang Mengalami Cedera Kepala Sedang. Nursing Science Journal (NSJ).
Wilson, E., 2012. Emergency management of severe burns, Journal of Paramedic Practice.
World Health Organization (WHO) [WWW Document], 2021. URL (accessed 11.21.24).